Human Design has the capacity to show you exactly who your child came here to be in this lifetime and how.

It gifts you an intimate insight into your child at a soul level by showing you your child’s unique essence and what you can do as a parent to honour the truth of who they are.

As a mother of 3 very different children I can wholeheartedly say I lean on my kids HD to subtly tune into each of them everyday and honour them in a way they specifically need to be honoured.

From how I serve them dinner, to how I plan our days, to how we navigate and work through big emotions, to how we avoid tantrums.

And while I don’t always get it right (because hey, honouring everyone’s individual needs all at once is a BIG task), knowing my children’s HD does allow me to show up for my children with more patience, empathy and compassion.

Because even though I may not be able to fix their problems, HD does allow me the insight into why they are feeling unsteady, and in that, I know exactly how I can support them in feeling more connected and whole within themselves.

And that, is a true gift.



In a mini soul reading you will receive a 60 min individualised Human Design chart reading for your child, plus foundational videos on your child's energy type. 

This package allows for a deeper, more specific understanding of your child on a soul level.


A family reading is how you see your entire family as a symphony.

A family reading is for the person who wants to take their knowledge of their family beyond the level of understanding, and elevate it to a place of integration and unification.


Mini soul readings for your mini souls.

You will receive a 60-minute individualised Human Design chart reading for your child, plus foundational videos on your child's energy type. 

This package allows for a deeper, more specific understanding of your child on a soul level.

Within your child's HD chart we’ll explore how to:

  • Honour and protect your child's individual energetic alignment

  • Guide your child back to their truth

  • Understand your child's base line

  • Help your child avoid energetic resistance in life

  • Support your child in knowing their unique intuitive voice

  • Know and fortify your child’s gifts and talents

  • Predict and hold space for the lessons they are here to learn in this lifetime

  • Discover your child’s life purpose


Your child's chart reading will be delivered via audio downloads on Whatsapp with an encouragement to ask any questions that may arise.

All audio and video content can be downloaded and kept forever to refer back to.

“I just wanted to let you know how helpful the mini soul reading for *Charlie has been.
It’s been so reassuring, especially as a new mum to know these things about her. I feel like it’s pretty monumental in the development and growth of her and knowing all of this about her.
It’s put me at so much ease. So I just wanted to say thank you and let you know how valuable your work is and how much I appreciate it.”

— Elise.

* indicates name change for privacy reasons


A family reading is how you see your entire family as a symphony.

A family reading gives you a front row seat as you understand intimately each being in their own divine element, supporting, complimenting and encouraging the others, in beautiful harmony.

A family reading is for the person who wants to take their knowledge of their family beyond the level of understanding, and elevate it to a place of integration and unification.

What you get:

Videos on:

— What is Human Design and how to use it as a conscious parenting tool

— Energy type video for each child.

— Parenting as per YOUR design. A video on you and your partners energy type and how to harness it for parenting.

A 2 hour LIVE reading on:

— Each family member’s inherent gifts and strengths.

— The symbiosis of all your energy types. How you all can either compliment or condition each other.

— Every family members strategy to live as their highest, most authentic selves.

— How to pull yourself and your loved ones out of the shadows and into alignment.

— Common conditioning traits of each type. And how to avoid unhealthy conditioning for your children.

— The different intuitive gifts of each family member. And how to make intuitively guided decisions in life.

— Each family member’s archetypes, and how to lean into them to unlock magnetism.

— Each family member’s karma and dharma (what they are here to learn and gain wisdom in this lifetime).

— How each family member’s brain is wired to absorb and play in the world.


Choose to enjoy the 2 hour reading LIVE on zoom, or recorded to watch in your own time.
All content can be downloaded and kept forever to refer back to.

“ Kim I was gonna wait until I pulled myself together  but I’m going to leave you a message now in the midst of tears.

I am just crying listening to your video about me as a Manifesting Generator parent. I don’t know how I missed this before, but you are speaking to my soul.
And I’m just sitting in my car outside the post office crying, in a good way! Thank you you so much for just reminding me who I am. I’m gonna play your message over and over again” 
