I like to share my deepest and rawest heart felt musings over at Substack.
I’m enjoying this longer form of writing. Below are some pieces I have written recently.
Enjoy x

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Things that are making me feel on fire RN

I’m feeling on fire right now.

And it’s not because I’m ovulating or I’m in my Manifestor creative surge.

In fact, I’m heading into my Mani rest phase and I’m premenstrual.

And yet, contrary to self awareness, cyclical attunement pop culture, I’m still feeling lit the fuck up.

And I wanted to take a moment to honour the small things I’ve been doing lately that are creating the larger ripple effect of my overall feelings of vitality, joy, strength, confidence, tranquility and positivity.

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Kim Sexty Kim Sexty

What a week

I’m in the transition phase of motherhood.

And it very much feels like the transition phase of birth.

Ya know the part in labour where the intensity ramps up a bazillion fold, and you think you’re either going to explode or pass out.

It’s the point where your cervix is fully dilated and your body starts naturally ejecting the baby out of your body.

In the transition stage of labour it feels as though the contractions are no longer seperate. Instead they become one giant wave of overwhelming intensity where you sigh in abandon “I can’t do this anymore”.

Well that’s basically how I’m feeling, but in #mumlife form.

Every day feels intensely gruelling. Every day I’m being pushed to my edge as a mother. Everyday I’m being called to rise to another challenge.

And of course this is motherhood. I’ve got 3 kids so this aint my first rodeo in the realm of surrender, digging deep and rising to the occasion.

It’s just that I’ve never experienced it with such relentless vehemence before.

It’s like I’m catching no breaks, no breathers. It’s just one big fuck-off uterine contraction after another.

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Holding Tighter

A friend of mine recently asked me how we best hold onto our children?

How do we make our kids want to stay close and connected to the family unit, instead of the luring excitement of the outside world.

And I said, we’ve got to make home life/family the better option.

If we don’t want to loose our children to friends and sleep overs and iPads and video games and TikTok we need to provide a better alternative.

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Follow me on substack to keep up to date with my latest musings.

Eventually, I may decide to offer a paid Subscription on Substack but for now, I’m enjoying letting people feel my head and heart in this way.