For you my love

A closed eye process to help you connect to your highest self,
the woman you were born to be.

How did this free guided meditation  feel for you?
I would love for you to let me know in my DM’s on IG.

This guided meditation is the starting process I use to connect women to their highest self,
If you want to embody the woman you just saw in your visualisation,
if you want to bring her into your day to day reality,
then I want to invite you to join WALK AS HER.

Keep scrolling down to see what WALK AS HER is all about.


A month long program helping you
walk as your highest self,
the woman you were born to be
and live the life that is waiting for you.

For women who are ready to
awaken and show their truth to the world, using simple daily practices that help you
walk as your highest self now.

BUT for the woman who is ready to change.

For the woman who is no longer willing to let these stories lead her into living an unfulfilled life.

For the woman who recognises that it is now or never to step into the life that is waiting for her, by walking as the woman she was born to be.

WALK AS HER is for the woman who

feels disconnected from the truth of who she is because she’s spent so long devoting herself to others and other peoples dreams.

~ has lost her zest and passion for life because she’s been too caught up in the seriousness of adulthood, life and survival.

~ is diluting her truth to stay likeable, to meet your core need of belonging.

~ has forgotten how to love and honour herself because she’s grown up in a world where it’s seen as better to put herself down than lift herself up.

~ is keeping core parts of herself dormant because she’s scared of being judged and seen as too much.

~ is hiding her most authentic self because she’s been taught to prioritise other peoples feelings and opinions over her own.  

WALK AS HER is for the woman who

~ is ready to feel excited, purposeful, passionate, confident, in love with herself, and the life she has created. And claim that for herself NOW.

~ knows that this life is a gift, AND it is up to her to make the most of this gift given to her.

For the woman who is ready to
the woman you were born to be in this lifetime
and live the life that is waiting for you.

Here’s a look at the
WALK AS HER journey and what you’ll get.

Live opening ceremony call
where I’ll guide you through a closed eye process so you become clear on what authentic parts of you have been laying dormant within you for far too long.
You’ll receive a practice on how to awaken those dormant parts within you so that you are clear on exactly how you are going to be walking as your highest self every single day.

Online group thread
where you’ll be asked to share your daily embodiment, that is, exactly how you are stepping into the woman you desire to be so you get to feel how easy it gets to be in this journey of walking as your highest self.

Weekly topics
where we explore the 4 main pillars I believe either help or hinder us in walking as the woman we desire to be. So that after WALK AS HER you have the framework you need to revisit each time you need to adapt and evolve with life and new elevations of you.

Private mentoring within the group setting

so I can help you in any hurdles you are facing and together we run your problem through the framework to overcome those hurdles so nothing gets in the way of you stepping into the woman you know you came here to be.

Closing ceremony
acknowledging just how far you’ve come. So you walk away from our 30 days together feeling an overwhelming sense of self love, appreciation and confidence as you continue to step into the dream life you’ve created from walking as your truth.

WALK AS HER is an online space for you to come into daily, to explore simple yet metamorphic practices that help you walk as your highest self now.

Let me share with you what I mean about simple yet metamorphic practices with real life eg’s.

Maybe it’s ditching the daggy jeans and tee’s because the woman you desire to be feels more feminine and sensual.
Maybe it’s creating a fun morning playlist and putting it on every morning over breakfast because the woman you desire to be experiences more play and joy in her life.

Make no mistake, this isn’t a program full of unsustainable and unrealistic rituals that promise but don’t deliver transformation.

WALK AS HER is about showing you how easy and simple it gets to be in the journey of
walking as the woman you were born to be and show up as in this world.

I PROMISE you, WALK AS HER will transform the way you relate to yourself and your daily life.

How can I say that with such conviction?
100% of the women who completed WALK AS HER last round said they felt:

significant improvement to the way they connected to their highest most authentic self.

increase in the level of  self love and compassion they had for themselves.

An upgrade to the level of
fulfilment, joy and purpose they experienced in their daily life.

After completing WALK AS HER.


At the beginning

of last rounds WALK AS HER
women rated themselves a 3 -5 out of 10 for the way they could connect to and honour their highest most authentic self.

At the end

of WALK AS HER those same women rated themselves 7 - 9 out of 10!

What they said



An online container where you will be guided and activated to share your daily embodiment practice of walking as your highest self. This involves recording and reporting into the space the action you took that day to walk as your highest self.

You will be called to WALK AS HER in the everyday moments of your life, the small moments that turn into the bigger picture of how you show up in this world.

Opening ceremony call // Sunday 24th March, 3pm

Closing ceremony // Sunday 21st April, 3pm

Investment // $199

"I actually forgot my word for how I wanted to feel by the end of this 30 days. When I looked back it was *confident*. I laughed.
It seems almost unbelievable because through this process I have been able access a quiet confidence that I had splintered off from.
The reunion has been subtle but profound."

“Whenever I connected to my higher self she was up high, floating in the ethers. And now I feel her actually in my body, in my womb.
And I feel the fullness of her potential.

And what this container has done it has allowed her to come down to me. 
It’s been a beautiful container to hold me.”


  • The whole point of WALK AS HER is to bring our dreams into reality through simple and easy integrative practices that weave into your current daily life. The woman you desire to be isn’t some distant woman in the future who has more time, more this, more that. She is within you now! And it’s up to you to bring her into reality in the circumstances that you are in now.
    In WALK AS HER you are simply going about life with the awareness of your highest self, and making daily choices that align to her. The commitment within walk as her is to share that ‘embodiment practice’ or the daily choice or aligned action you made to the group container. In short, little time is needed per day. All you are committing to is sharing your daily embodiment to the group, that can take 8 minutes or 8 seconds. It’s up to you.

  • We begin with an opening ceremony that includes a potent practice of connecting to the woman inside of you yearning to be awakened. You will then be connected to our online container where I will jump in everyday to share my own embodiment practice and call on you to do the same. We will explore weekly themes to help identify the things that either help or hinder us in the journey of walking as our highest selves. I will be there everyday to cheer you on as you step into your higher self, while also keeping you accountable for your daily participation. This is not a space to be a wallflower. This is a space for you to boldly step into the woman you are yearning to embody.We will end with a closing ceremony to acknowledge the growth that has taken place within all of us, and the sustainability of our expansion moving forward.

  • The call will be recorded and available for you to participate in within your own time if you can’t make it. However I highly recommend making yourself available to receive the full potency of being together in real time.

  • For sake of ease, simplicity and familiarity our group thread is on WhatsApp. I encourage all women to turn off notifications for our group thread to not be notified every time a woman shares in the chat, and instead to come in each day with intentionality and purpose. Some women saw it as an online diary accountability tool. From my experience using other platforms, WhatsApp in my opinion is the easiest and simplest.

  • YES, our online container is open 24/7 for you to jump in and share your daily embodiment.

  • Email or DM me privately if you need a payment plan and I will do my best to support you in joining WALK AS HER.



I'm a big vision, endless possibilities, highest potential kinda girl. I hold that vision for myself, for you, and for our entire world.

I dive deep, unravelling the layers of us both in a gentle, loving way so together we come to the truth of who we really are.
You’ll feel safe to journey there with me,
because I’m standing there with my heart open to you.
I bear my soul so you feel comfortable in reacquainting with yours.
When I meet you there, my eyes light up.

My innate prowess immediately see’s you in your highest potential.
And because my words are pure truth, you feel your
possibility too,
the flame of expansion is alive within you.
Your unbecoming and becoming happens within a second.
I continue to stoke the fire of transformation inside of you,
as I step into my favourite role as fire keeper, activating and catalysing your embodied power with each breathe.

There you are, can you see yourself?
What does your truest, most pure, highest self look like?
Away from all the ways you’ve been told be.

I can see.
My role is simply to hold the mirror up to you with unshakable belief, and guide you back home with lovingly powerful energy,
So you can step into the celebration of you.

Still don’t know whether Walk as Her is for you?

Drop me a line, I am SO down for honest, open, transparent conversations in supporting you to get where you desire to go