I’m Kim
I'm a big vision, endless possibilities, highest potential kinda girl. I hold that vision for myself, for you, and for our entire world.
I dive deep, unravelling the layers of us both in a gentle, loving way so that together we come to the truth of who we really are.
You’ll feel safe to journey there with me because I’m standing there with my heart open to you. I bear my soul so you feel comfortable in reacquainting with yours. When I meet you there, my eyes light up. My innate prowess immediately sees you in your highest potential.
And because my words are pure truth, you feel your
possibility too, the flame of expansion is alive within you.
Your unbecoming and becoming happens within a second.
I continue to stoke the fire of transformation inside of you,
as I step into my favourite role as fire keeper, activating and catalysing your embodied power with each breath.
There you are, can you see yourself?
What does your truest, most pure, highest self look like?
Away from all the ways you’ve been told be.
I can see.
My role is simply to hold the mirror up to you with unshakable belief, and guide you back home with lovingly powerful energy, so you can step into the celebration of you.

Quick tid bits…
I’m a mother of 3 doing my best to raise liberated human beings that are connected to their heart and the hearts of others.
Everyday as I drive past cows and horses and picturesque landscapes I am blown away that I am actually living this life, the life I’ve dreamed of ever since I was a little girl.
I’m a Splenic 1/4 Manifestor.
I’m a triple air sign, Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Asc Gemini, with my Venus in Pisces IYKYK
Before accidentally falling pregnant to a cute surfer I’d just met and my life trajectory changing in the best possible way, I was a yoga teacher whose main love was showing students how the art and philosophy of yoga extends far beyond the mat.
Before teaching yoga I was a personal trainer, fitness instructor and journalist/news reader.
I share a lot of myself and my life over on Instagram, come join me there to experience me day to day.

If you’d like me on your podcast, to speak at one of your events or to collaborate with you on a vision of yours, drop me a line.
I adore connecting with like minded people who have passion running through their hearts and big ideas bursting out of their brains.