LIVE Human Design readings

For you, the woman who yearns to remember, reconnect and reclaim her highest self.

In a LIVE Human Design reading with me, you are seen for your truth, and held tenderly during the process of remembering, reconnecting and reclaiming the woman you were born to be.

In our 90 minutes together you have the space to ask as many questions as you need to feel clear and confident in the embodiment of your truth.

The reading is an open dialogue with your current self and your highest self, with me acting as the loving conduit between the two. Using Human Design as my map, I hand you practical and easy-to-implement ways to return to your truth, and live it every single day.

If you're ready for complete metamorphosis through self-empowered embodiment, then your chart is waiting to give you the how.

— Live HD readings are between 60-90mins.
— Readings are done via Zoom and will be recorded for you to download.

“ You said HD is like a remembering. And I didn’t realise how much I needed this remembering. It has helped so much. And I just want to tell you that.

And to give you my gratitude and my thanks. I just want you know how powerful it’s been and what you are doing for the people that are open to exploring this within themselves with you is just… you have a gift. And I’m so grateful. And I’m so glad I took the plunge and opened myself up to this, because it has been just so great for me.”


Human Design is the science of transmutation.
The science of alchemy and metamorphosis.

It shows us exactly who we came here to be in this lifetime and how to embody that higher truth in an amalgamation of ancient systems and modern science.
It combines astrology and astronomy, the I Ching, biochemistry, Kabbalah, the chakra systems, quantum mechanics and genetics to give us a map to our soul.

It provides a way to radically shift from who we've been conditioned to be in this world, into who we were born to be in this world.

It's a homecoming. A remembering.
It's a big exhale as we get handed a map to our highest self, and our highest potential.

When you work with me you don’t just receive a standard run of the mill Human Design reading.

You are held tenderly as you remember, reconnect and reclaim your truth.

You are empowered with integrative practices that weave your highest expression into your day to day.

So you walk as her.
Walking as the woman you were born to be.

“I just wanted to say thank you. I know this is not the last time we are going to work together, because I love the way you have made me think about things in such a different way. It’s such incredible value that you offer.

Because there’s so much value in all of this, I feel like I’m going to go over and over and over everything so many times till I find all the little bits and pieces I missed on the first 20 million times.
I’d done quite a bit of research on HD before I did this with you, and I have to say it didn’t all resonate. It was a bit boxy. And I think the best way I can describe the way you do things is to give freedom to HD. To give freedom to the way HD can work.
It’s like you’ve given me the reminder to step into me.
You’ve given depth to a lot of areas I didn’t have the depth on. And you’ve shown me where I can start working on all of this, which is just so amazing. I’m so looking forward to giving myself some time to pull myself back into alignment.

The last 2 weeks have been utterly life-changing.
And I’m so excited to be able to move forward and I’m just so grateful for everything you have managed to explain and share and give me a different perspective on.
So I just wanted to say thank you. And I look forward to whatever we do next together.”



Homecoming is a mentorship guiding you back home to yourself.

I see possibilities and potentiality within you. 

I pull you into that space within, so you not only see it, but you feel it, you live it.

Your highest expression, your deepest embodiment, your true essence is there to be stepped into.

And as you walk the path, I guide you to that space within, using your souls map, your Human Design as my compass, directing you to your true north.

The journey is one of integration and embodiment.

You receive the codes of your soul, then with gentle guidance, you take the walk back home to yourself.

” Because in the end we are all just walking each other home” - Ram Dass

3-month journey

~ LIVE 90min HD reading to begin our journey together
~ Unlimited audio messaging
~ Delivered over Whatsapp
~ $888 AUD

1-month journey

~ Unlimited audio messaging
~ Delivered over Whatsapp
~ $299 AUD

Mentorships are currently open on an application basis.
If you would like support in the integration of your HD chart and authentic self please get in contact below.


  • If you can’t find a time that works for you within my booking calendar email me via the contact button at the bottom of the page to work with me for a suitable time.

  • To get a HD reading you need to know your specific birth date and time. Usually times can be found on photos of your birth, and sometimes on birth documents. Failing that, you can call the hospital directly and ask for this information. I’ve heard varied reports of it being easy and being very difficult, depending on where you were born.

  • The 3 month mentorship starts off with a LIVE reading. From there it is a beautiful 12 week journey of unpacking what has been revealed within your chart, and a supported journey of remembering, reconnecting and reclaiming the truth of who you are. I am with you every step of the way within the mentorship, giving you practice tips on how to integrate your highest self in your day to day whenever you need. What I love about a 3 month mentorship is how it allows for me to support you in holding yourself as you go about life. It’s true integration work in walking as your highest self, with me guiding and supporting you every step of the way.

    Alternatively many clients start off with LIVE reading, and then decide to do a month long mentorship after to feel supported in their journey of becoming.

  • I absolutely can. A LIVE reading is 90 minutes though, and so by introducing someone else to the equation means I won’t cover as much as I normally would during a reading for one person. But I have many mothers who chose a live reading for both themselves and their child and they walk away blown away by the level of information I am able to deliver during our time together.

Have more questions? Please contact me here.